Sustainable energy concept with biomass power plants from Re² 

With its innovative energy concept, the municipality of Kirchschlag in AUstria is a role model for many municipalities. With a cascade of biomass power plants from Spanner Re² and  biomass boilers, the municipality generates electricity and heat from regional wood chips, supplying hundreds of households with CO2-neutral energy. The aim of the Lower Austrian municipality of Kirchschlag was to find a climate and environmentally friendly energy solution that would keep the added value in the region. The choice of future energy source therefore fell on the local and renewable resource wood. In order to make the best possible use of this fuel, the community leaders opted for a technology that can generate both electricity and heat from wood chips.

 Video Kirchschlag 

New heating power plant generates 6,000 MWh of heat and 2,700 MWh of electricity annually from wood

Since 2020, five biomass power plants from the Lower Bavarian company Spanner Re² have been in operation in the combined heat and power plant built specifically for the project. The proven Re² plants produce electricity and heat in according to the principle of combined heat and power (CHP). Clean wood gas is produced from the wood chips using a thermochemical process, which is converted into electricity in a combined heat and power unit (CHP).

kirchschlag holzvergaser bhkw re2

The modular design of the systems guarantees maximum operational reliability. This is because the multiple systems also supply energy during maintenance work. In addition, the output range can be adjusted according to demand. Two wood chip heating systems can be added for peak loads. Around 6,000 MWh of heat and 2,700 MWh of electricity are generated annually in the municipal combined heat and power plant. Around 2,750 tons of wood chips, which are sourced exclusively from regional suppliers within a radius of 30 kilometers, are used for this. This means that the municipality supplies up to 675 households with green electricity and 250 households with CO2-neutral heat. The heat is supplied via a district heating network with a length of more than 3,400 meters.

bernhard seiler vertriebsleiter
Bernhard Seiler, project manager

Municipality of Kirschlag takes a pioneering role in energy concept

"The project in Kirchschlag is exemplary for sustainable energy generation," reports Bernhard Seiler, project manager at Spanner Re² 2020. "Our energy systems work decentrally and supply CO2-neutral energy - and that, adapted to demand. We are delighted that we were able to contribute our many years of expertise and our  proven technology to this interesting project," continues Seiler. With the new energy concept, Kirchschlag is taking on a pioneering role that will set an example for the whole of Austria. The municipality has invested more than three million euros in the project. Deputy Mayor Karl Kager explains the decision to put the municipality's energy supply on an environmentally and climate-friendly footing as follows: "The future depends on how we structure today".


Biomass cogeneration plant in Kirchschlag to be expanded by 6th biomass power plant from Re² in 2023

Since commissioning end of 2020, the availability of the five biomass power plants has averaged 93%. This significantly exceeded the municipality of Kirchschlag's 85% target. In 2023, the municipality expanded its biomass cogeneration plant by a sixth system from Re² to a total CHP output of over 400 kWel and more than 860 kWth


Technical data to the project:

  • Installed systems: 2020 - 5 "HKA 70" biomass power plants, 2023 expansion to 6 systems from Re²
  • Total output: 408 kWel, 864 kWth 
  • Fuel: Regional wood chips



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    Niederfeldstr. 38
    D - 84088 Neufahrn i. NB
  • +49 8773 70798-0

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